Monday, May 7, 2012

lemon blueberry "lemonade"

This is a really good and pretty blueberry lemonade I came up with. Now, the reason why I call it "lemonade" is because you can make it as sweet as you want, or not at all and really just have blueberry infused water. It is completely up to you and your tastes! 

Start off by putting blueberries in the bottom of your glass.
Squeeze about half of them so the blueberry flavor will infused into it.
Next, fill your glass 3/4 the way with Pellegrino (or any other selzer).
Squeeze a full lemons juice into your glass (this also can be preference, if you don't like too much lemon just do half of the lemon)
You can also add a teaspoon of sugar if you want it more like a lemonade.
Finally, add lemon slices in for garnish, and drink.

You can also make this in bigger batches if you want, and the longer you let it sit the more infused with the flavor it will be. Make it at least an hour ahead of a party!

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